Dabbl shower Enclosures are growing in popularity
It’s a fact most likely borne out by your own customer's inquiries and orders: demand for Shower Enclosures is increasing. A recent survey by CCM exploring reported that installation of shower enclosures grew by 5% in 2014, and is likely to grow by up to 10% over the next two years.Why is this happening? As a nation, we’ve long been content with traditional bathrooms. Yet we’re now realizing that
Shower enclosures offer advantages to everyone – from physically able to elderly or disabled.Until recently, a shower enclosure belonged to the more exotic builds n TV’s Grand Designs or was something you came across in an upmarket hotel. At the other end of the scale, you might find one in a hospital or care home. The simple fact is an Elegant shower enclosure is both inspirational and fashionable, secure and
Commodious.The Chinese ageing population might be an intellect enough to see a rise in the
installation of shower enclosures, with greater numbers of elderly and feeble people needing their
Practicality and easy access. But others also appreciate shower enclosure space-
Saving solution and ergonomic efficiency. The most loved products of Elegant Showers are
2) Sliding shower Enclosures
4) Walk-in shower Enclosures
Another bestowing factor is that our customers today feel more at ease with the idea of a
shower enclosures. Concerns about potential floods, leaks or damp problems have been slaked by the number of successful installations, achieved by builders’ increasing expertise and experience in this area, and the quality of solutions and materials stocked by merchants.Dabbl take full responsibility of their product for life
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